Date set for Undergraduate Research Summer Showcase
The »¨ÐãÖ±²¥ State University Undergraduate Research Summer Showcase will be held Aug. 2 at Griffis, Nunnelee and Hurst halls.
The showcase will exhibit faculty-guided, student research from diverse departments, colleges and research centers across campus. All undergraduate student researchers are invited to participate.
The showcase is open to all undergraduate students engaged in faculty-mentored research. Undergraduate student submissions will be accepted and organized in one of the following four categories: Biological Sciences and Engineering (poster only); Physical Science and Engineering (poster only); Social Science (poster only); and Humanities and Arts (poster or oral presentation/performance).
The deadline for abstracts is 11:59 p.m. July 15.
Door prizes and refreshments will be provided, and visitors are encouraged to fill out and leave comment cards for student presenters. We are seeking graduate students and faculty volunteers to interact with and leave comments for student presenters. If you are interested in volunteering, send an email to with the following information: your name, title, department and which categories you are qualified to evaluate.  Â
³Õ¾±²õ¾±³ÙÌýÂ for more information on the event.
If you require special assistance relating to a disability, call Katelyn Wright at (662) 325-5921. If you have questions, contact Anastasia Elder at (662) 325-8503 or